CEO Juliet Rogers to leave ASA

Juliet Rogers, CEO of the Australian Society of Authors is finishing up at the end of the year. Olivia Lanchester will be her replacement.

After four years at the helm of the Australian Society of Authors, our CEO, Juliet Rogers has resigned. Juliet brought a wealth of knowledge and industry experience to the role, which she has leveraged to champion and support our members. Her dedication has seen the introduction of a suite of relevant and high quality services as well as outcome focussed advocacy for our members. She expertly steered the ASA through various challenges during her time as CEO and oversaw diversification and growth that has ensured the long-term sustainability of the organisation.

Juliet says: “While I will miss the ASA and my wonderful team enormously, I have achieved what I set out to accomplish and I would now like to work more flexibly, travel more widely and use my industry experience in new directions. Having such a wonderful successor ready to step into the role has made the decision easy for me and perfect for the ASA.” We are pleased to also announce that Olivia Lanchester, the ASA’s Legal Services Manager and Company Secretary, will become the new CEO. Olivia has worked closely with Juliet in all areas of the ASA’s operations, ensuring a seamless transition over the next three months. Olivia brings to the role a background of practising in intellectual property law and a deep interest in reform for authors.

In a note to members, ASA Chair Chris Pash said, “Juliet, in her four years in the role, has steered the ASA through a challenging time and leaves your organisation in better shape than when she started, with a high performing team keenly focused on advancing the interests of authors.” Incoming CEO Olivia Lanchester says, “Juliet has been a generous mentor to me and an exceptional CEO. I have enjoyed working with her immensely and she will be hugely missed. Juliet has focused on member opportunities and benefits from day one and leaves the ASA in great shape. I realise I have big shoes to fill but am so excited about taking up the position.”

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