Writing Workshops at Richmond Library


Award-winning author Wendy Scott will be presenting two workshops on aspects of writing at Richmond Library on Saturday 23 November. Each workshop runs for three hours.

Vivid Writing – make your prose sing!    9.30 am – 12.30 pm

During the last five years, Hokitika-based author Wendy Scott has been awarded 10 international book awards and distinctions. This workshop explores the techniques used by Wendy to paint mind pictures that bring readers closer to the characters and their story. Plus, Wendy will share her tips on how to avoid alienating potential readers.

Lunch break: 12.30 pm – 1 pm (bring your own lunch)

How To Connect With Your Reading Audience (Marketing)    1 pm – 4 pm

Many authors prefer the isolation of their writing space rather than going out and marketing their books. In today’s current literary climate, it’s essential for authors to actively market themselves and their book catalogues. Wendy will discuss a variety of marketing strategies to help build your author brand so you can reach your target audience.

Each workshop costs $20 per session per person. Numbers will be restricted to 20 maximum for each workshop. People are welcome to come to either of the workshops for $20, or both for $40. If you would like to attend, please email tosnzsa15@gmail.com and state which workshop/s you are interested in. Once sufficient numbers have been registered, you will be asked to pay in advance to secure your place. The workshops take place at the Constance Barnicoat Room at Richmond Library (immediately on the right if entering from Queen Street).

 Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from a highly-successful local author. Find out more about Wendy’s writing career at www.wendyjscott.com