New chair heads Institute of Professional Editors – ANZ

The Institute of Professional Editors has a new chair, Ruth Davies AE.

Ms Davies replaces Kerry Davies AE (no relation) who has been the IPEd board’s chair for more than five years.
Ruth Davies has been a freelance editor with her business, centreEditing, since 2007. She has had a wide range of roles with IPEd since she joined the Society of Editors Queensland in 2008, now a branch of IPEd.

Ms Davies paid tribute to her predecessor. She said Kerry Davies had led IPEd through enormous changes and it was now in a solid position as an international organisation.

“Among Kerry’s many achievements is her role in overseeing the transition of IPEd from being a peak body for state-based societies to a direct-membership professional organisation that represents editors across Australia and New Zealand,” she said.

“Through her role leading the IPEd board, Kerry has really advanced the profession of editing, and I hope to be able to exercise the dedication, professionalism and diplomacy she has shown in the years I have been working with her.”

Ms Davies said her goal was to continue working with the IPEd board, staff and with branches and members to realise IPEd’s vision.
“I am particularly excited about what the next stage for IPEd looks like. I hope to build on the achievements to date of the strategic plan which seeks to lift and empower the profession. In particular, I look forward to working with IPEd CEO Karen Lee to ensure IPEd continues to engage with and represent all editors.”

Kate Tilley, IPEd Communications Consultant
Release date: 1 June 2020
About IPEd
The Institute of Professional Editors Ltd is the professional association for Australian and New Zealand editors. It exists to advance the profession of editing and to support and promote editors in both countries. IPEd is a non-profit body.

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