Announcing Pantograph Punch New Mini Writing Residency

The Pantograph Punch and Gus Fisher Gallery offer a mini writing residency and applications are now open.


The writing residency will take place during the exhibition The Medium is the Message at Gus Fisher Gallery from August 1 – October 17 2020. During the two-week residency, the selected writer in residence will have the freedom to engage with and respond to ideas explored in the exhibition, and the final piece of writing will be published on The Pantograph Punch.

This mini writing residency includes:

  • A stipend of $2000 for 2 weeks full-time. (Alternatively, this can be part time, spread over the period of a month)
  • A desk at Gus Fisher Gallery in Tāmaki Makaurau
  • Editorial support from The Pantograph Punch team to develop your work
  • Publication and promotion with The Pantograph Punch

To apply for this opportunity, please read more here

Applications close Friday 26 June.


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