National Poetry Day is this Friday, August 21st. The rise in Covid-19 alert levels may have put paid to some of the planned in-person events, but it is still a day to celebrate poetry nationwide.

We want to make Phantom Billstickers National Poetry Day sing on social media this Friday. To do that, we’d like your help.


A lot of challenging, beautiful poetry has been written since we began this Covid-19 journey. What we would like for National Poetry Day 2020 is to take this and make it wider. Inspire us with the poetry that lockdowns and Alert Level changes, that distracts you from the news of the world, the lines that reach deep in and lend you strength. It can be your own poetry or another’s, but share! Tell the poetry world (and everyone else) why you chose it.

If you have a poetry book newly published, please bring it out online and show us! Tell us all about it, give us a poem, let us all know where we can buy it. Speak of your inspiration in writing your book. Was it another poet? A place? Mention NPD on Facebook, tag us on Twitter and Instagram.

Let’s get #NZPoetryDay trending!

We will award spot prizes through the day and share online poetry readings. We’ll have a Q & A with our Ockham New Zealand Book Awards winner of the 2020 Mary and Peter Biggs Award for Poetry, Helen Rickerby. We’ll celebrate in (online) style.

Please join us!



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If you have any questions, please contact Erica at poetryday@nzbookawards.org.nz.

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