Who Are You? Tina Shaw on Creating a Successful Protagonist – WebWorkshop

Headshot of Tina Shaw with autumnal background

10am to 12pm, Tuesday, 6 October.

Stories are all about characters – what they do, what they think and how they feel. Whether you’re writing YA or for adults, a successful lead character is the key to engaging your readers. In this workshop we will look at ways to bring your protagonist to life on the page.

Tina Shaw is the author of publications for children, young adults and general readership, including ‘The Black Madonna’, written while she held the CNZ Berlin Writers’ Residency, and ‘The Children’s Pond’, shortlisted for the 2015 Ngaio Marsh Awards. She has also held the University of Waikato Writer-In-Residence and the Buddle Findlay Sargeson Fellowship. She won the 2018 Storylines Tessa Duder Award with ‘Ursa’ which was published in 2019 by Walker Books Australia and has received a 2020 Storylines Notable Book Award. Her latest novel, ‘Ephemera’ (Cloud Ink Press), features a quirky ephemera librarian who undertakes a perilous journey up the Waikato River.

WEBWORKSHOP ATTENDANCE FEE: NZSA Members – $30. (Non-members – $60)

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