#CreativeWitnesses and #FreeExpression – Pen International film

A PEN International filmed event shares a film called Creative Witnesses, which will be premiered on YouTube on Thursday, 15th October.


 #CreativeWitnesses and #FreeExpression.

It will showcase new and original creative work by musicians and artists, inspired by writers who have been imprisonned, harassed, or even lost their lives because of their commitment to freedom of expression.

Here is a link to the trailer, and the premiere of Creative Witnesses will be released on PEN International’s YouTube channel (link).

The event has been organised by Ege Dündar, coordinator of PEN International’s work with young writers and son of leading Turkish and former prisoner of conscience journalist Can Dündar, to show solidarity with writers at risk and enable their work to reach a wider audience.

You can find more information about Creative Witnesses on our website at: https://pen-international.org/news/creative-witnesses-music-freedom-of-expression-and-chains-of-solidarity

Here is the action page which can be promoted on or after the event: https://pen-international.org/news/creative-witnesses-how-you-can-help


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