Creating Books in the Time of Covid: Author Amy McDaid

NZSA Auckland Branch Meeting
Friday 6 November at 6.15pm

Creating Books in the Time of Covid: Author Amy McDaid

Room 1211, level 12, AUT Tower

Cnr of Rutland and Wakefield St, City Central.

Amy McDaid’s debut novel, Fake Baby, was to be released in April 2020 – right in what became New Zealand’s Level 4 lockdown. When the planned release night arrived the books were still stuck in an overseas port and her fridge was full of wine and cheese which couldn’t be shared. Finally released during Level 2, ‘Fake Baby’ went on to be a bestseller. How did Amy take her frustration, disappointment, and limited marketing landscape and make it happen? Amy joins us to discuss this and other aspects of beginning her literary career in the time of Covid-19.
Amy McDaid is the author of the best-selling novel Fake Baby. She has a Master of Creative Writing from the University of Auckland and was the winner of the Sir James Wallace Prize in 2017 – New Zealand’s richest prize for a creative writing student. She works part-time as a Newborn Intensive Care Nurse and has had pieces published in The Spinoff, Newsroom, and Auckland University’s Three Lamps Journal.
Copies of Fake Baby will be available for sale on the night for a special discounted price of $30 (rrp $36.99).
Drinks and supper will be provided. Koha appreciated.
Our Venue is room 1211, level 12, AUT Tower, Cnr of Rutland and Wakefield St, City Central. We acknowledge the venue sponsorship of the Masters in Creative Writing at The Centre for Creative Writing, AUT. There is street parking handy as well as the Aotea Square car park. The venue is within easy walking distance for those using public transport.
Final Note: The Auckland Branch works to create meetings which are inclusive and welcoming. The meetings aim to be a great introduction to NZSA for new members as well as a place of community for all. For this reason:
  • the business part of the meeting is kept brief and finer points about the running of the branch are managed at committee level. No new business is added to the agenda on the night.
  • all members are expected to act in a professional, appropriate manner.