Cloud Ink Press is now open for submissions for the 2021 ‘Fresh Ink’ anthology – until 28 February 2021

The year 2020 has been – among many significant experiences – the year of the Coronavirus. What are we as both individuals and as collective society to make of the wider and deeper effects, beyond the health crisis itself? How can writers and storytellers, across multiple forms, address the human aspects of the Covid-19 crisis, its effects, both personal and societal, and its legacy? Can we make sense of this traumatic experience through the creative use of language, characterisation, and images?

‘Fresh Ink’ is an anthology of new writing – short fiction, novel extracts, poetry and art work – themed in response to the pandemic that has touched us all in some way. The pieces may be personal writing from life, memoir, prose fiction or poetry, an essay or personal reflection, or a mix of media forms including graphic writing and visual arts.

Please send your submissions to

You may submit your entry in a Word document (for stories and poetry) using 12 point Times New Roman and 1.5 spacing. Artwork needs to be black and white and sent as a jpg or pdf. Please include your name and contact details.

When we receive your submission you will be automatically added to our newsletter mailing list, though you will be able to unsubscribe if you wish.

We look forward to reading your work!

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