Pikihuia Awards 2021 – now open for entries


Do you have a story inside of you waiting to be told? Now is your chance – we are looking for new and emerging Māori writers to enter the Pikihuia short story awards for 2021.

Enter by 12 April 2021 to be in to win prizes and the opportunity to have your story published in a book.

Read more about how to enter the Pikihuia Awards 2021 

There are four award categories:

  • First-time writer in te reo Māori
  • First-time writer in English
  • Emerging writer in te reo Māori
  • Emerging writer in English

Do you know an aspiring Māori writer who would be great in the Pikihuia Awards? 

To find out more about the competition and the conditions of entry, click here.


We cannot wait to read your story.

Ngā mihi,

The Māori Literature Trust

Whiti Hereaka, John Huria and Robyn Bargh – trustees of the Māori Literature Trust             

P.S. To get a feel for the Pikihuia Awards, watch this Te Karere report on the last awards in 2019.

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