READER OF LOVE FOR THE BOOK – anthology releases of protest writing about National Library cull


edited by Bill Direen

The Anthology of Love for the Book brings 52 promising young poets, prominent journalists, and several time-honoured poet laureates, winners of Prime Ministers Awards and Robert Burns Fellows together for a massive Hui. All the writers share deep concern at continuing disposals of books at the National Library of NZ.  Every week, thousands of books are vanishing.

Among the writers are Dame Fiona Kidman, herself a former librarian, C.K. Stead, perhaps the most respected literary figure in New Zealand, David Eggleton, poet laureate, current Landfall editor Lynley Edmeades; and Associate Professor Peter Simpson, who has written a special essay about Colin McCahon’s use of libraries.


“C.K. Stead and Alan Curnow at the launch of The Bells of Saint Babel’s, Curnow’s last book (March 2001). Photograph: C.K.Stead authorises use of this photograph.

Other writers range from David Karena-Holmes author of Te Reo Mâori—the Basics Explained (2020) to Octagon Poetry Collective’s Carolyn McCurdie and compere Richard Reeve of Warrington. Richard has written a  poem about a book by NZ legend Bill Pearson “found sleeping rough between copies of 70s romance novels”. Brian Turner and Cilla McQueen are there. Cilla remembers the fight to save Aramoana from a proposed smelter some years ago.

Another figure who has often used New Zealand’s libraries is Roger Hickin, managing editor of Cold Hub Press. Recent publications drew on archives from the Hocken Library. A short essay by that library’s founder Thomas Hocken seemed appropriate. The editor Bill Direen has written a fairy tale satire. Kiwi David Herkt, winner of Australia’s Wesley Wright Poetry Prize, sees the library as an ark, saving, not destroying printed books. Fellow Dunediner conceptual artist Scott Flanagan ventures into print.

Graham Reid writes about his childhood reading delights. Fellow Aucklander Anne Kennedy has penned a poem of outrage. Auckland Professor Lisa Samuels offers a skipping poem ‘The Archive Bird’, yet another work specifically for this collection. Other Aucklanders include Michael Morrissey (editor of The New Fiction), Dr. Jack Ross (Massey University), and Richard von Sturmer, author of the well-known satirical song ‘There is No Depression in New Zealand’.

Christchurch’s Christine Dann of Book Guardians Aotearoa makes a plea for good sense. Jeffrey Paparoa Holman tells of a writing class for inmates at Paparua Prison. All the cities are represented, as well as regions North of Auckland and West of the Southern Alps. There is a vast array of local and national talent, a beautiful work of love for the book and of regret at the disposals happening.

A printed version of the Anthology can be picked up this spring in hundreds of cafés around New Zealand, thanks to Phantom Billstickers, NZ’s #1 conveyor of events information to the public. More about that once the blossom is appearing on the apple and pears trees.

Sincerely, W. Direen

Here is his latest Editorial

Photo: C.K.Stead and Allen Curnow at the launch of Curnow’s last book in Auckland.

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