Latest from adda: Translations from South and Southeast Asia

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Translations from South and Southeast Asia

Translations: South & Southeast Asia features 32 literary translations in 15  languages from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Singapore across the genres of fiction, non-fiction and poetry.

Curated by guest co-editors Bilal Tanweer and Pauline Fan, these texts will appear in four issues. The final issue has been published today.

This includes:


by Bilal Tanweer and Pauline Fan

False Teeth of Pudu Market by Sheera Ghafar

(translated from Malay by Adriana Nordin Manan)

Amma, Appa, Anbu by Vijayalakshmi Sridhar

(translated from Tamil by the author

Unfinished by Liang Wern Fook

(translated from Chinese by Christina Ng)

Two poems by Basudev Sunani

(translated from Odia by Animesh Mohapatra)


Hair Dye by Shyam Darihare

(translated from Maithili by Ashutosh Jha)

Two poems by Alari (Abdul Latif Mohammad Ribaz)

(translated from Tamil by Shash Trevett)

Two poems by Eric Illayapparachchi

(translated from Sinhala by Gaya Nagahawatta)

Can you recall your dreams? by Manav Kaul

(translated from Hindi by Ratnam Singh)


Commonwealth Foundation
Marlborough House, Pall Mall,
London SW1Y 5HY,
United Kingdom

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