Courage Day – Day of the Imprisoned Writer – Wellington branch event

Please join us this Courage Day, 15 November, when our guest speaker will be Dominion Post Editor Anna Fifield.

Courage Day (also known as The Day of the Imprisoned Writer) recognises writers who defend the right to free speech, and those who suffer oppression and are killed/imprisoned for their work.

Our Courage Day event will take place on Monday 15 November at Vic Books Pipitea,

27 Lambton Quay, Wellington.

The event will start at 6pm, with a bar from 5.30pm.

Koha $5 non-members, $3 members. The event will go ahead under Level 2 or Level 1, with appropriate measures in place (masks required or encouraged; scan or sign in required). Note, the bar is card only or exact change.


Ngā mihi

NZSA Wellington Branch