Polaroid Nights Book Launch

Join us, The Cuba Press and author Lizzie Harwood for the launch of her book Polaroid Nights!
Save the date – – Thursday 9 December – – at the XuXu Dumpling Bar 5.30pm (limited numbers + health pass required).

If you can’t make the real-life launch, join the live stream – we go live at 5.30pm NZDT on Thursday 9 December (streamed by Wairarapa TV): https://facebook.com/events/s/polaroid-nights/464309885038659/

Lizzie will do a reading from her novel and take part in a Q&A with Auckland hospo icon Krishna Botica, as well as some brief words from her partners (us!) – Lizzie was the our NZSA Laura Solomon Cuba Press Prize winner this year.
Also, stay tuned for a cocktail recipe + video to show you how to make it—exclusively created by the XuXu Bar/Café Hanoi/Ghost Street’s mixologist for the book’s launch: the Betty & Alabama.
See you there!