Free Creative Rights Workshops in April

Do you know what “copyright” actually means and that it applies to your work automatically?  It’s a whole lot more than just a legal mechanism to prevent someone else from copying your work.

Funded by Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage, Copyright Licensing New Zealand are offering FREE, one hour, online copyright workshops. The workshops are designed to be an engaging discovery of creative rights, to help creative people understand their rights, the privileges of users, and how understanding copyright aids in better business practices.

 I have been to several talks about copyright, but this one was the best so far. it was so clear and easy to follow, but also entertaining!”  

Registrations are essential as spaces fill quickly. To register or to find out more, please visit HERE

Upcoming workshops:

7pm, Tuesday 5 April 2022
10am, Friday 8 April 2022
10am, Thursday 14 April 2022
7pm, Wednesday 27 April 2022

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