NZSA Auckland Branch: Ashleigh Young’s top tips on writing craft

NZSA Auckland Branch Meeting
Friday 6 May, 6.15pm – ONLINE EVENT
Ashleigh Young – top tips on writing craft

This will be a live Zoom event (it will not be recorded). Current Auckland Branch members only will receive the zoom link the day before so book it in your calendar now! (Thank you to everyone who responded to our survey about how to move forward with NZSA Auckland events. The majority of respondents asked for us to wait to hold in-person meetings until New Zealand moved out of the Red traffic light setting. Of those, just over half are happy to go back to in-person events at Orange. For this reason the committee will begin planning for in-person events from June.)

Dialogue, sentence length and structure, word choice: improve these and you improve your manuscript, making it more publishable. But where to start? This May we are joined by editor and author Ashleigh Young with her top tips on improving your craft.

Ashleigh Young works as an editor at Te Herenga Waka University Press (formerly Victoria University Press) and is also an internationally renowned New Zealand writer, winning the Windham Campbell Prize in 2017. She is the author of two poetry collections, Magnificent Moon (2012) and How I Get Ready (2019), and the essay collection Can You Tolerate This? (2016) which was published in New Zealand, Australia, US and the UK.
New Books: Anyone wishing to present a new book at the Friday meeting please notify the Auckland Branch by return email before noon on Wednesday 4 May. You will be given a slot during the Zoom meeting.

NOTE: Auckland Branch AGM

A reminder that the Auckland Branch AGM will be held at the beginning of our May meeting to comply with our statutory requirements and abide by the NZSA constitution. We will be voting to accept or reject the 2021 Chair’s Report (has been emailed to members) and the 2021 Financial Statement (has been emailed to members).  We will also ratify the branch committee position holders, Chair (Weng Wai Chan), Secretary (Elizabeth/Libby Kirkby-McLeod) and Treasurer (Drazen Milosevic). As no other candidates stood the incumbents will be reappointed automatically.

The AGM should take only a short part of the meeting, and NO OTHER GENERAL BUSINESS will be added to the evening’s agenda for May.