
‘A Sense of Place’ Writing Competition

A writer’s sense of place can be of somewhere present and absent. Sometimes even at the same time. On a simple level a writer should be able to convey a sense of where they are and of places far away. On a deeper level what a place means to you could help other people’s understanding of that place through travel, memoir and even history writing.

We now have a full-time team member in Edinburgh, Scotland as well as Dunedin (which is the old Gaelic name for Edinburgh). To celebrate Exisle Academy’s Scottish links we have a new writing competition – What Scotland Means to Me

This could be what it means to live or visit there, or what the idea of Scotland means to someone living a long way away who may have never visited. Or it could mean something entirely different; for some it is where a great drink comes from and remarkable comedians too, for others it’s an ancient noble country with a history riven by beauty and tragedy which somehow reflects its landscapes.

Whatever Scotland means to you please join our competition with no more than 1,500 words. Previously unpublished pieces only please.

One winner will receive the prize of free enrollment to the “Become a Successful Author” course (a value of $1,500 USD), plus access to our library of author training resources (up to $500 value).

Top entries will be published on our website, with your permission.

Deadline to submit is May 1, 2022

More information HERE

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