Advertising with the New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa (PEN NZ) Inc – Rate Card / Deadlines / Terms & Conditions
The NZ Author Quarterly Magazine
Distributed as a perfect bound A5 printed magazine and as an epublication with a circulation of 2000+ (this includes NZSA members, funders, key stakeholders and subscribing libraries).
Display Advertisements
Double Page Spread
240mm wide x 170mm high (no bleed) $750
275mm wide x 210mm high (bleed) $750
Full Page
115mm wide x 170mm high (no bleed) $350
120mm wide x 210mm high (bleed) $350
Inside back cover laminated $450
Inside front Cover $500
Half Page
Horizontal -115mm wide x 90mm high $250 (inside front cover $275)
Vertical – 50mm wide x 170mm high $250 (inside front cover $275)
Third Page
Horizontal- 115mm wide x 60mm high $200
Vertical – 43mm wide x 170mm high $200
Quarter Page
Horizontal- 115mm wide x 30mm high $150
Vertical – 50mm wide x 90mm high $150
Sixth Page
Vertical 43mm wide x 90mm high $125
- Material will be accepted as an email attachment. Please compress if over 10mb.
- Files accepted in the following formats: PDF / jpeg (jpg) / tiff (tif) /eps.
- Images must be (scanned at) 300dpi at the size they are to be used.
NZ Author Classified – Short Ads
Single column run on advertisements:
- up to 30 words $60 casual / 25% discount when advance payment for 4 repeats of advertisement
- up to 70 words $125 casual / 25% discount when advance payment for 4 repeats of advertisement
All prices are + 15% GST
NZ Author advertising deadlines for 2025: 2 Feb, 9 May, 29 July, 4 Nov
(e-distribution is approximately 4 weeks after the advertising deadline.)
Literary Bulletin – enews
Our popular fortnightly Literary E-Bulletin keeps members up to date with news about writers, writing and publishing, and the literary arts scene in New Zealand. Circulation circa 2000+.
Members also keep an eye on the bulletin for up-to-date information about events and opportunities for writers.
We notify members about competitions, fellowships, awards and events, and freedom of expression issues both locally and overseas.
The deadline for advertising copy is 4pm Wednesday for the Friday insertion.
Literary Bulletin Deadlines 2024:
13 Nov, 27 Nov, 11 Dec.
Literary Bulletin Deadlines 2025:
22 Jan, 5 Feb, 19 Feb, 5 Mar, 19 Mar, 2 Apr, 16 Apr, 30 Apr, 14 May, 28 May, 11 Jun, 25 Jun, 9 Jul, 23 July, 6 Aug, 20 Aug, 3 Sep, 17 Sep, 1 Oct, 15 Oct, 29 Oct, 12 Nov, 26 Nov, 10 Dec.
Copy requirements:
- Image only (prepared copy)
- Image (jpeg or png). Recommended and maximum dimension in pixels: 650 wide x up to 650 high.
- A URL (website address) for the image to link to.
2. Image and text
- Finished copy, word limit of 180 words
- Images should be jpeg or png files. Maximum dimensions in pixels: 650 wide x up to 250 high.
3. Text only
- Finished copy, word limit of 180 words
Please avoid sending overly large images, both in file size and pixel dimensions. We recommend a maximum file size of 1MB for images. 72 dpi is generally sufficient for the web, but isn’t required.
Home Page Banner
Text with an image or logo on one of the sliding banners $500 per month. This is a featured advertisement on the home page and we only have one at any time.
Contact for specifications.
Combo rates
- 10% discount for combinations of advertising in NZ Author, the e-news Literary Bulletin and/or the Website
- 10% discount for booking 4 x Literary Bulletin ads.
- All prices are + 15% GST
All bookings, instructions, and cancellations must be confirmed in writing. Confirmation must be received by the deadline. Any material supplied that does not meet the specifications will incur extra charges.
Placement is at the discretion of the Editor for NZ Author and the Chief Executive for the Literary Bulletin and the website. Advertising for the website is accepted at the discretion of the Chief Executive.
Advertising for the NZ Author and the Literary Bulletin will be accepted provided that it contains no unwarranted claims for products or services, contains no defamatory statements or matter, does not infringe copyright, and may be printed without the New Zealand Society of Authors incurring liability of any nature whatsoever. By submitting an advertisement for publication, you indemnify NZ Society of Authors and its employees and agents against any proceedings, demands, losses, costs, damages, and other liability incurred in connection with that advertisement.
You agree to pay your invoice by the 20th of the following month. Interest may be charged for overdue accounts.