Northland Branch
The Northland branch of the NZSA was formed in 1996, and some of the original starting members still play central roles in our organisation. Our group has expanded to include around 80 members who come from all over Northland — from farmland, bush, coastal settlements and the towns of Whangarei, Kaitaia, Kerikeri and Dargaville. If you are a writer residing in Northland and interested in finding out more about our branch, please email us.
Link to Northland branch website including meeting info
Branch Chair: Sherryl Clark
Vice-chair: Deb Jowitt
Secretary: Trish Fenton
Treasurer: Justine Baddeley
Newsletter Coordinator: Trish Fenton
Communications/Community Liaison: Sue Barker
Additional committee members: Lesley Marshall, Heather Whelan, Di Menefy
Regional Delegate: Melinda Szymanik
Contact Northland Branch