ADAM NZ PLAY AWARD – 2021 Winners from Playmarket


Congratulations to this years’ winners of the Adam NZ Play Award.

Adam NZ Play Award and Best Play by a Woman Playwright: Emily Duncan for & Sons

Adam NZ Play Award Runner Up and Best Play by A Māori Playwright:
Katie Wolfe for The Haka Party Incident

Highly Commended: Sam Brooks for A Rich Man and Future of the Party 

Best Play by a Pasifika Playwright: Vela Manusaute for Sons of Vao

McNaughton South Island Play Award: Emily Duncan for & Sons

The Dean Parker Award: Katie Wolfe for The Haka Party Incident

Congratulations also to our shortlisted playwrights; Ro Bright, Estelle Chout, Anders Falstie-Jensen, Angie Farrow, Alex MacDonald, Joe Musaphia, Olga Nikora, Allen O’Leary, Talia Pua and Ben Wilson.

Thanks to the Adam Foundation for their generosity.

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