
All in for Arts He waka toi e eke noa nei tātou 2022

Update: We’re moving to 1-31 March, 2022!

The Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi and Creative New Zealand Toi Aotearoa – with the support of Chartwell Trust and the Lion Foundation – are heading on a road trip, shining a spotlight on creativity in a town near you.

After kicking off our inaugural regional tour in 2020, we’re back on the road to listen, gather and share stories of the impact the arts are having in Aotearoa New Zealand. We want to hear what the arts mean to you and your community – and we’re inviting well-known locals to share their stories with us.

Join us for a cup of coffee and a bite to eat, and be a part of the kōrero about why the arts aren’t just a nice to have!

We’ll be joined by an Arts Foundation Laureate who will to share the impact creativity has had on their lives (and tell us what it’s like being a full-time artist!). Plus we’ll bring an update on what’s happening for the arts in Aotearoa.

We know the arts are making an important contribution to everyday life in communities across the motu. Join us as we bring together likely (and unlikely!) arts lovers to shine a spotlight on creativity in 10 new locations across Aotearoa.

Watch this space for updates.

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