Announcing the winner of the Central Districts Short Story competition

Announcing the winner of the Central Districts Short Story competition

Central Districts Branch are happy to announce the winner of our branch’s winter short story competition. Rangi Hapi is a Tararua writer and his story, ‘The Promise’, skilfully spans a relationship over several years, including into a frightening near-future.  It fits well into the theme of ‘a simple pleasure’ evoking a love story in its harbour setting.  His win was announced at the Hawke’s Bay Readers and Writers Festival on Saturday 19 October.

Rangi has been encouraged by the success of his story; he is a developing writer who is working on a series of novels.  Read winning story ‘The Promise’ – Rangi Hapi’

Joan Rosier-Jones judged this competition and her comments about the winning story are:   “One of the things I judge a short story by, is if the characters and their story stays with me for some time after reading it. This was true, above all, for ‘The Promise’.  This is a well-constructed short story. All the characters are real, which is conveyed most effectively through their dialogue, which is a perfect fit for all of them. The two main characters, Tane and Ivy are believable and likeable. The narrative drive is strong. It is a coming-of-age story poignantly told.  The gift for the use of descriptive language is apparent, but sometimes overdone, particularly in the opening paragraph. Often less is best.  The ending, in particular, is poignant, and the last sentence is an effective reminder of the way life had been earlier in the lives of these young people, and as such, satisfying.  It is a story that highlights the human condition, in a gentle way and it will stay with me for some time…the test of a good story.”

Runners up are 
Felicity Logan with her story ‘Basic Life Skills’ and Margot McLean with ‘Sandcastles’.

Joan has been very thoughtful and encouraging with her comments, and because there were only a few entries every writer got a comment to move their writing forward.  She also generously provided these general notes on writing a winning story for all of us to think about when crafting our tiny precious fictional worlds.

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