Are Digital Rights Events Working?

Waiting for the Plane Tickets: Rights Pros on Digital Events



How do online rights events organized by literary agencies, publishers, and others compare to the physical book fair experience? We hear from several rights folks on how it’s going so far.

At Brussels’ rights center for independent publishers, Talentueux Indes, in its first outing in 2020. Image: Foire du Livre de Bruxelles, Timote Meesen

By Porter Anderson, Editor-in-Chief


Popup Rights Events: ‘Fairs’ and Meetups Online

Almost every time you look into your inbox, another invitation has arrived to a publishing industry event online, right? And as you may have noticed, the specialized rights sessions appear to be gaining on many of the other types of programs vying for your attention.

As the impact of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic wears on, more and more niche rights events are being produced, and they’re drawing increasing levels of participation among agents, scouts, editors, and even rights-savvy authors.

Read the full article here on Publishing Perspectives


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