Arts Four Creative Residency Programme 2021

Calling for applications now

This programme is designed to support four artists practising in a range of artforms to create new work, build connections with each other, and engage with local arts communities and audiences across a 12 week residency from May to July 2021 at The Arts Centre Te Matatiki Toi Ora in Ōtautahi Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand.

Residents will become part of a small onsite community accommodated within communal living quarters at The Arts Centre, connected to other artists and creative professionals working within the cultural precinct of Ōtautahi. Resident artists will be encouraged to explore possibilities for artistic collaboration during and post-residency with each other and the wider community.

The Arts Centre provides a unique setting for the artists – the largest collection of Category 1 heritage-listed buildings in Aotearoa, a hub for creative organisations and businesses, and an entity that has established relationships with creative and educational organisations.

A public programme will be delivered by each resident during the residency period and it is expected that a public presentation of the work developed during the residency will result in an exhibition, performance, publication or recording before the end of 2021.

What will The Arts Centre provide?

For each selected artist, The Arts Centre will provide:

  • a per diem of $85 NZD per day, paid weekly
  • up to $600 NZD towards travel costs to and from Ōtautahi Christchurch
  • project materials costs of up to $1000 (to be negotiated)
  • public programme delivery fees (to be negotiated)
  • public programme material costs (to be negotiated)
  • professional photographic and video documentation of the residency project
  • publicity informing the local community of the residency
  • a fully furnished room with work desk and private bathroom in The Arts Centre’s Creative Residence (living spaces are shared with other residents)
  • studio or rehearsal space on site or nearby The Arts Centre if required
  • access to Wi-Fi
  • links, contacts, and advice in relation to local arts communities
  • research and development fieldtrips (to be negotiated)
  • advice and support with orientation, realising projects onsite, and delivery of public programmes from a dedicated Project Administrator

What are the expectations of the selected artist?

Selected artists are expected to:

  • create new work during the residency that results in an exhibition, performance, publication or recording to be made available to the public by the end of 2021
  • deliver a public programme to the local community that may include a performance, exhibition, kōrero, workshop, demonstration, or open development session, in partnership with The Arts Centre
  • be in residence in The Arts Centre Creative Residence during the residency dates unless in COVID-19 Alert Levels 2, 3, or 4.
  • be available for media interviews and photography shoots
  • be prepared to engage with social media in order to promote their residency and project
  • be available to meet patrons, funders, and donors of The Arts Centre on occasion if requested
  • acknowledge the support of The Arts Centre and any other patrons or funders in any publicity material pertaining to creative work or events that has been created while in residence at The Arts Centre
  • complete a post residency survey within one week after finishing the residency
  • provide a report about the status of the new work created during the residency (if not delivered before the residency ends) including progress towards public presentation (if relevant), to The Arts Centre before 31 November 2021

For application information please visit our site.

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