Alan Dawe

Alan is the author of The God Franchise: A Theory of Everything, which won the Ashton Wylie Book Award 2012. This is the top mind-body-spirit book award in New Zealand, and one of the top awards in any genre. Alan has been interested in writing since school and has had a small (tiny) number of items published. He started writing seriously in 2003, and this lead to a career/interest change into various modalities of natural health and healing, culminating in his qualifying as a Journey Practitioner in January 2009. Alan moved to Lower Hutt in 2017, and writes in his home office. He has written his first novel, The End Time Affair, which is a Suspense/Romance and is thrilling in every sense of the word. He was asked to contribute a 30 page chapter for the Pandeism Anthology, which was published in the UK and US in January 2017. He has also started serious work on his follow-up to The God Franchise, which is titled The Hesitant Christian: Restoring Christ to Christianity.






Lower Hutt


The God Franchise: A Theory of Everything