Alistair Hayward

Hi! My name is Al. I live in Auckland with my wife and children. I've been writing for many years but have never completed what I started. Until now,

My first book, 'The Games We Play,' is the first of five books in a series about a serial killer. I have started the second book, and hopefully, it won't take as long as the last one!


  • Adult Fiction


  • Novelist






The games we play

A phantom in the shadows, moving beneath the shroud of London's night, David prowls the desolate park. Unaware of danger, his victims fall into his trap with cold precision, solidifying his grim reputation as the 'London Strangler'. Yet the thrill always wanes, leaving David yearning for a new challenge.

Enter Pete. David concocts a sinister game, luring Pete into a macabre dance of manipulation and dread. Ensnared in David's deadly machinations Pete's descent into darkness is swift. Amidst terror and deceit, the more paranoia grips him, the further his sanity slips—each step tightening the grip of madness.

As the game escalates, lives are lost, minds are fractured, and David's depravity is laid bare. Only one question remains: Who will emerge triumphant in this deadly duel?

The Games We Play delves into the abyss of the human psyche, blurring the line between predator and prey. With each turn, tension mounts, drawing readers deeper into a labyrinth of danger and deception. Prepare to be ensnared, horrified, and utterly enthralled by the twisted games within these haunting pages.