Alyse Boaz

Alyse Boaz has recently self-published two children’s picture books Royal Blue and Sammy the Rooster.

Royal Blue (2021) has an ecological message where a little girl rescues a stranded starfish then after wanting to keep it, makes the decision to return it to the sea. The last page presents facts on starfish. This book’s colourful illustrations were hand-painted by New Brighton artist, Robert Scanlan.

Sammy the Rooster (2022) has an environmental message where a rooster hops in the car when the family goes to the refuse station and is left behind. It is a touching story with a happy ending while the images highlight the amount of rubbish Society creates. The last page has an empowering message, stating what rubbish is & how it might be reduced. Teenage illustrator, Samantha Hart has brought a young perspective to the stunning images she digitally created.

Other books published by Alyse include: Marketing in New Zealand (3 editions), Pearson New Zealand; Study Skills Made Practical, Essential Resources; Year 11 NCEA Business Studies 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3 workbooks – Internal Features of a Small Business, External Factors Influencing a Small Business, and Operational Problems in a Small Business, ABA Resources Ltd/The Copy Press.



  • Adult Non-Fiction
  • Business Writing
  • Children's Fiction
  • Children's Non-Fiction
  • Freelance Writer
  • Mind Body Spirit
  • Non-Fiction
  • Text Books


  • Academic Writing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Long-Term Placement (schools, universities)
  • Print Media Writing (magazines/newspapers)
  • Public Speaking
  • Readings
  • Textbook Writing
  • Workshops (adults)




West Melton


Marketing in New Zealand

Study Skills Made Practical

Year 11 NCEA Business Studies 1.1 workbook, Internal Features of a Small Business

Year 11 NCEA Business Studies 1.2 workbook, External Factors Influencing a Small Business

Year 11 NCEA Business Studies 1.3 workbook, Operational Problems in a Small Business

Royal Blue

Royal Blue (2021) has an ecological message where a little girl rescues a stranded starfish then after wanting to keep it, makes the decision to return it to the sea. The last page presents facts on starfish. This book’s colourful illustrations were hand-painted by New Brighton artist, Robert Scanlan.

Sammy the Rooster

Sammy the Rooster (2022) has an environmental message where a rooster hops in the car when the family goes to the refuse station and is left behind. It is a touching story with a happy ending while the images highlight the amount of rubbish Society creates. The last page has an empowering message, stating what rubbish is & how it might be reduced. Teenage illustrator, Samantha Hart has brought a young perspective to the stunning images she digitally created.