Andrew Corin

Andrew, a New Zealand trained doctor and award-winning author, has been working in General Practice since 1997. He works full time as a primary care physician and clinical researcher, with extensive experience in governance roles for health and community organisations.

Andrew has also had medical experience in Ireland, Kenya and the Philippines, including work for emergency relief and mission organisations.

Writing has been a delightful creative release for him, whether in the form of coaxing life out of a dry, academic article, or embracing the unpredictability of crafting fiction. Family life, outdoor pursuits and growing avocados complete his priorities.



  • Academic
  • Fiction
  • Health
  • History
  • Short Stories


  • Academic Writing
  • Novelist
  • Public Speaking
  • Research
  • Short Story Writing
  • Website Content






This Old Stick

This Old Stick

Published by Cornerstone Ventures New Zealand.

ISBN 978-0-473-47952-7 (Softcover).

ISBN 978-0-473-47953-4 (ePUB).

ISBN 978-0-473-47954-1 (Kindle).

Editing and Production by Andrew Killick, Safe Little World.

Cover Design and Illustration by Paul Smith, Blue Sky Creative.


This book tells the stories of the older people around us - stories which are at once familiar and extraordinary.

A range of delightful and challenging fictionalised characters are beautifully presented with warm-hearted and absorbing honesty.

This Old Stick is an enjoyable and entertaining read, and a tool to help heal the disconnection that exists in society between those considered healthy and functional, and those who are older and considered less so.

We all need to be reminded of the gifts and precious treasure the elderly bring to our community.

Presented with a foreword by poet and doctor Glenn Colquhoun, and afterword by medical researcher Professor Shaun Holt.