Angela Armstrong

Before writing books, Angela studied English and Film at the University of Otago, taught full-time in schools, owned an art gallery, and reviewed books for trade publishers. She lives with her husband Haki in Northland, New Zealand, where she devotes her non-writing hours to home-schooling three chatty daughters who have inherited a fierce love of words from their mother.


  • Children's Fiction
  • Fantasy
  • Science Fiction
  • Young Adult


  • Novelist
  • Public Speaking
  • Readings
  • Readings (adults)
  • Workshops (adults)
  • Workshops (children/schools)






The Quin

A Gen2K Novelette Tama is broken. Then again, everyone left in the last clean city is. But Tama is more broken than most – which makes for wicked irony that he works in restoration, of all places. Broken Tama fixes things. He’s good at it though – good enough that he can almost forget how bad things are -- for everyone -- and how lonely being broken is. That is until Bex needs something restored. Every encounter with Bex lights up parts inside of Tama he had no idea needed fixing.


A Gen2K Novelette Tama discovered recently he is an old-fashioned romantic. So how does an old-fashioned romantic woo the light-bringer, Bex, in a city where everything is broken but the tech? Text, audio, photo and video messages are transmitted almost instantly; there’s not much charm in that. So begins Tama’s scavenger hunt for old-world paper to bear his secret missives. The last clean city hasn’t seen courtship like this for over a century.


A Gen2K Novelette Geronimo works the salvage yards. He’s the best borer around. For Geronimo, “finders, keepers” has always made good sense. It pays when you’re good at finding. Minding his own business and amassing his stash was simple, so long as he kept his rules. The stash was safe. His. Keeping the rules was easy until Tama. One deal with a love-struck trader serves Geronimo a whole lot more than he bargained for.

The Unflinching Ash

In a world like ours, Mystics once ruled the night.  Well, so long as they were men.  On Ash’s day of naming, she chose the Mystic path nonetheless.  The same illusions that garner gasps of awe from the lamp-lit crowds earn her scorn from the basilica.  There is only one way forward: a perilous quest – earn the Queen’s Seal, a badge of honour, and immunity.  She’ll simply have to avoid being hanged, burned or drowned first.

Shadow Chaser

"Before I tell you a story most adults won't, there's something I must confess: I'm homeless..." Faye Delaney and her parents stay in other people's houses all over the South Island of New Zealand while they save money for their own home. Faye doesn't mind - she's home-schooled, and each new house-sit comes with bonuses: pets or farm animals, gardens or forests, and always a fresh piece of Aotearoa to explore. While the Delaneys tour the South Island, so do rumours. People report seeing large, slinking shadows while out for a walk, riding their bike, or sipping a cup of tea - feline shadows that fade before anyone can get a second look. As a veteran house-sitter, Faye knows animals. And she hears the ring of truth in these rumours. Armed with a backpack, a notebook, and a great sense of direction, she's going to get to the bottom of this possibly ancient mystery. LET THE CHASE BEGIN.

Holly Homeschool & The Bad Character

A rabbit disappears on Holly's street. Naturally, she launches an investigation.
Her prime suspect: Bad boy Beno.
But is Holly ready for all she'll discover?