Angela Yeoman

I live and work in a country town in New Zealand that lies between the mountains and the sea. I have qualifications in religious studies, social science research, business administration and creative writing. My fiction draws on a career working for government and my non-fiction is based on evidence and the experiences of people. My feature writing for media tells people's stories, linking the personal and political.

My novels are sold through and Visit LinkedIn to find out more about me. And read some of my feature articles at


  • Adult Fiction
  • Adult Non-Fiction
  • Business Writing
  • E-Book


  • Corporate Writing
  • Novelist
  • Research






The War of Gwylim Harris: A Novel

2019. ISBN 978-0-473-47179-8. Silver award winner in the Global E-Book Awards in 2019  Available as an e-book from and

Born soon after the end of World War II, Gwylim Harris comes of age in a period of social, political and economic change in New Zealand and the world. His actions, shaped by history, collide with the frailties of the women he courts. Gwylim’s war with himself to find his identity sits alongside the voices of the women he loves. Through the life of Gwylim Harris the meaning of family and commitment is explored as the place of women in society changes around him. His struggles leave a trail of abandonment and opportunities lost.

Wrestling with Pie

2019. A selection of essays. ISBN 978-0-473-47177-4. Click here: Wrestling with Pie.

The Kiwi Nest: 60 years of change in New Zealand families

2008. Commissioned by the Families Commission (now part of the Ministry of Social Development). Click here: Library Catalogue and The Kiwi Nest.

Family form and structure have changed over the past 60 years, raising questions about how families can meet contemporary functions. Because the family is an economic entity, a critical social group, and a building block of communities, society itself can be affected when families come under pressure. Global influences, the economy, social norms, our capacity to work, and our expectations about being a parent are often different today than for previous generations. This report examines the factors that affect the formation and existence of families, and how families adapt to changes. If families are adaptable, society benefits. Alongside a demographic description of New Zealand families over six decades, the report examines three important dimensions of family life - work, income, and housing. It also discusses themes that transcend these topics. This report will contribute to a broad view of the complexity and importance of families, and how they can be supported to enhance their wellbeing.

Assessment of the Health Impacts of Lowering the Minimum Legal Age for Purchasing Alcohol in New Zealand

2002. Commissioned by ALAC. Occasional paper No 16. Click here: Library Catalogue and Health Assessment Lowering the Minimum Age for Purchasing Alcohol.

Inside/Outside: Family Violence and Housing

1991. Commissioned by the Housing Corporation of New Zealand. Click here: Inside Outside Family Violence and Housing.

This research explores the association between stable housing and the likelihood of experiencing family violence.

Support Housing: Who Supports it?

1991. Commissioned by the Housing Corporation of New Zealand. Click here: Support Housing Who Supports it?

A primary research project exploring attitudes and behaviours at a time of significant deinstitutionalisation in New Zealand.


Becoming Real.

2020. ISBN 979-8-655-49652-1. Available as an e-book from and

Becoming Real is the story of a murder linked to a religious cult. Religious beliefs, cultural heritages and politics co-exist and sometimes clash in the melting pots that are Australia, America and Iran. There is the shadow of ISIS, collaboration with the NYPD, the involvement of the Australian intelligence community and, amidst it all, a powerful love at first sight. Becoming Real is a classic murder mystery, but one that touches on the human condition. It is Book One in an explosive new crime series: The Becoming Chronicles.

Willow in Underwood

Willow in Underwood is Book One of The Underwood Collection of paranormal romance novels.

Ebook 2020. ISBN 979-8686-33586-8 | Paperback 2023. ISBN 978-1-63988-916-7.

Available from and

When she leaves her Californian life for rustic England, Willow discovers she has the rare gift of being able to see and talk to dead people who know reside in the Underworld. She finds new friends, falls in love with a man from the Underworld, leads a mission to save the President of the United States of America from evil Underworld beings, and journeys into the Underworld itself on a quest that is fraught with danger. All the while, she is pursued by her angry ex-fiancé, Ashton Anderson. Willow moves through this world and the next to find friendship, love, happiness, and identity.

Underwood and the Round Table

2021. Underwood and the Round Table, Book Two of The Underwood Collection, is available in e-book from and

Emelia, Willow and Mayou, uncover secrets from the court of King Arthur and the Round Table. Driven by a renewed quest for the Holy Grail, dead souls take their chance to slip away from the Underworld. Ancient tragedies and the heart-breaking true story of Sir Lancelot and Guinevere are revealed as time is traversed. Elwood Freeman, archaeologist, helps Emelia discover truths about herself. She searches for a way to put her past really in her past. Willow and Alfred are also haunted by the demands of their former lives, while Mayou finds that the path to true love is not destined to run smoothly.

Strategic Vision for Empowering Auckland's Sector of Creative Spaces and Art Programmes

2020. Auckland’s Creative Spaces Strategic Plan 2021-2023. Commissioned by Arts Access Aotearoa. Click here: Auckland's Creative Spaces Strategic Plan.

A Sector Seeking Support in 2020 and Beyond

2020. Research on Auckland's Creative Spaces and Art Programmes. Commissioned by Arts Access Aotearoa. Click here: Auckland's Creative Spaces Research. 

The Benefits of Arts in Corrections

2021. Literature review of the benefits of arts programmes in prisons. Commissioned by Arts Access Aotearoa. Click here: Arts in Corrections Research.

How to Develop and Write an Accessibility Policy

2021. A guide for art organisations wanting to be accessible to all. Commissioned by Arts Access Aotearoa. Click here: Developing an Accessibility Policy.

Becoming Just

Published April 2022. Available as an e-book from and

Becoming Just is a stroy about the choices we make and how we justify them to avoid naming them for what they are - greed, self-entitlement, and fear of anything we do not understand.

Vicious murders in Sydney and America send Clint back to New York, searching for evidence to prove the innocence of Sydney-based murder -accused, Helmut Fischer. Clint’s investigation for Sydney lawyer Vanessa Raine uncovers the plot of descendants of German Nazi officers given sanctuary in America and Australia after World War II - a plot that escalates in horror and reverberates around the world as competing objectives and manipulations play out. The CIA and Australia's intelligence organisation ASIS hound Clint’s every step as he closes in on the truth. In the process Clint must save NYPD Detective Lilla Adams, the woman he loves. His best friend Arash and estranged father Bekym ask for Clint’s help to escape from the manipulations of ASIS, an organization not above scapegoating its own.
A ruthless campaign of hate and greed must be undone; justice must be done.
Becoming Just is Book Two of the Becoming Chronicles.

Examples of feature articles for media

Examples of marketing features published by the Wairarapa Times-Age:

Examples of editorial features first published by the Wairarapa Times-Age or Midweek, subsequently posted at, including:

  • Two-part series separating fact from fiction about gangs.
  • Five-part series reflecting on the changing role of religion and faith in our lives.
  • Two-part series about a pandemic and a fight for homosexual law reform in New Zealand.