Anna Mahoney

Anna Mahoney is a former journalist and professional communicator who wrote her first short story, about an adventurous silver coin, when she was nine, winning the Auckland Savings Bank Thrift Prize. 

Anna has always been a people-watcher. This obsession prompted her to start writing creatively in 2016 when she joined a Kāpiti-based writing group. Apart from a memoir in third draft she has a portfolio of short stories and two novels in various stages of progress. She especially enjoys using dialogue to add character in her writing.

In May 2021 Anna signed up for the Writers Practice Write Together collaborative writing project for which she was paired with NZSA member Vivienne Ball. Their work, titled Uncommon Ground, is published in Write Together Issue Two. A link is included below.

When she’s not scribbling something, or observing life from a cafe or library corner, Anna can be found with her two tiny dogs in the green spaces of her Upper Hutt home. 


  • Adult Fiction
  • Adult Non-Fiction
  • Autobiography / Memoir


  • Corporate Writing
  • Editing
  • Journalism
  • Proofreading
  • Short Story Writing




Upper Hutt


Write Together

Uncommon Ground

Secret Attic

My story A String of Pearls, which came second in the 2021 Northland Writers Short Story Competition. Is published in this anthology.