Anna Williams


I'm a writer from Northland, where I've lived for the last forty years. I belong to two writing groups here; the Flash Fiction group at the Whangarei library where we meet on a monthly basis, and I also attend the Whangarei Writer's Workshop. We meet every Friday to read and critique each other's writing and I've found this group inspires me, with all the support and shared knowledge from the other members.

Since 2010, I've had three books published. The first two listed are available on Amazon. My third book 'Magpie and the Morning Light.' isn't on Amazon yet, but any orders can come to me via my email address.


  • Children's Fiction







Simply Parenting

For most of my working life, I was employed in the area of early childhood and I began writing 'Baby Talk' articles for a local magazine some years later. Eventually, I compiled the articles for my book, which was published in 2010. I offered simple, down-to-earth information and ideas (hence the title) for parents, particularly first-timers, who were navigating their way through the challenges of raising babies and toddlers. 

It's a slim, easy-to-read book and even now, 12 years later, I still get an order or two coming through. Many have been purchased and given as gifts for new parents. 


Remember the Moon

A charming little book for very young children. It tests a child's memory in a fun, gentle, and interactive way while teaching them about the world they live in.

Published in 2017.

Magpie and the Morning Light

This story was on the 'back-burner' in my mind for about ten years before I finally had it published last year in 2021. It's a mixture of fantasy, along with an important social message, hopefully without being too 'preachy'. 

The glorious illustrations are done by an artist friend of mine and I like to think my story is going to be memorable to those who have read it. 

After all. most of us love to believe in a little magic.