Anne Cleary

Competitions: 2017 - 1st place Franklin Writers' National Short Story Comp

                       2021 - 2nd place Franklin Writers' National Flash Fiction Comp

                       2021 - Highly Commended Franklin Writers' Nat. Flash Fiction Comp

                       2022 - 2nd place Australia's Short Stories Unlimited Short Story Comp

                       2022 - Highly Commended Graeme Lay Short Story Comp

Anne's work has been published in magazines such as Mindfood, The People’s Voice and E-Local, and appeared in Things In The Well publications’ Trickster’s Treats 3 and Guilty Pleasures.

She has stories in five editions of Byline, the Tauranga Writers’ annual anthology, which she co-edits. An active member of Tauranga Writers, Anne is secretary for the group and also writes the fortnightly newletter. Anne is also on a committee which organises the group’s monthly Sunday Focus workshops, and has emceed panel discussions with authors and industry professionals. 

Her current work-in-progress is a literary fiction novel, The Sea-Glass Box. Set in rural West Auckland, it explores a father-son relationship in the midst of family tragedy.

Anne has two adult children and lives in Tauranga with her husband, Glen.


  • Adult Fiction



