Averil Robertson

Averil is from Ōtautahi (Christchurch) and lives in Naarm (Melbourne), Australia, with her husband and daughter. An avid reader and ex-Unity Books shop girl, she works as a technical writer and knowledge manager for a global tech company. Her short story Motutaratahi, which is the base for her first novel, was published in the Forty South Short Story Anthology 2023. Averil is currently seeking an agent or publisher for this work. 

Averil won the Ethell Webb Bundell Literary Award 2024 for her short story Tree Change. Her short story Mornings was highly commended in the 2023 Graeme Lay Short Story Competition (her other entry was shortlisted). Other pieces have been recognised in the Flash 500 Short Story Competition and the Northern Beachers Writers Competition. Her short story The Retreat was selected for The Outback Vol. 9 in 2024.

Averil writes contemporary fiction, focusing on social issues and human connections. She is recognised for exceptional dialogue and humour in her writing. 

Averil is on Instagram: book reviews can be found as @avrbookstuff and writing adventures are on @averilrobertson_writer. You can also subscribe to her website averilrobertson.com.


  • Adult Fiction
  • Fiction
  • Flash Fiction
  • Short Stories
  • Technical







Forty South Short Story Anthology 2023

ISBN 9780645864793
Forty South Publishing 2023