Barrie Cameron

Barrie Cameron first had the idea to be an author at the tender age of 13 years. Now, much later, after a career as an Electrical Engineer, he finds himself with time to write!

His first novel, PLANETOID Trilogy, is a science fiction adventuire mystery with themes of existential threats to humanity and the biosphere, and alien first contact.

He has just published (in April 2024) the third book, Phoenix, of PLANETOID Trilogy.

He launched his independent publisher, Seaswell Publishing,and its website in April 2022.

Barrie Cameron's first book of the PLANETOID Trilogy, Star Island, is available in POD paperback and Kindle E-book on Amazon (from April 2022).

His second book, Three Fates, is also available in paperback POD (from April 2023), and Kindle E-book (from April 2023).

The third book, Phoenix is now available in print-on-demand (POD) paperback on Amazon (from April 2024), and E-book will be launched shortly.

The Planetoid Trilogy consists of:

Book One: Star Island,

Book Two: Three Fates,

Book Three: Phoenix.

More news coming soon…


  • Fiction
  • Science Fiction


  • Corporate Writing






Star Island, Book One of Planetoid Trilogy

Imprint: Seaswell Publishing, first edition in 2022, print-on-demand paperback by Amazon, launched 11th April 2022, National Library of NZ ISBN 978-0-473-62622-8.

Star Island, Book One of Planetoid Trilogy

Imprint: Seaswell Publishing, first edition in 2022, E-book by Amazon, launched 13th April 2022, National Library of NZ ISBN 978-0-473-62625-9.

Three Fates, Book Two of Planetoid Trilogy

Imprint: Seaswell Publishing, first edition in 2023, print-on-demand paperback by Amazon, launched April 2023, National Library of NZ ISBN 978-0-473-63384-4.

Three Fates, Book Two of Planetoid Trilogy

Imprint: Seaswell Publishing, first edition in 2023, Kindle E-book by Amazon, launched May 2023, National Library of NZ ISBN 978-0-473-62630-3

Phoenix, Book Three of Planetoid Trilogy

Imprint: Seaswell Publishing, first edition in 2024, print-on-demand paperback by Amazon, launched 5th April 2024, National Library of NZ ISBN 978-0-473-62632-7