Bronwyn Calder

Bronwyn Calder has been writing since she was old enough to hold a pen. From age 17 she has had stories published in journals, magazines and anthologies while having a related career as a book editor. She now lives in Auckland, NZ and writes fantasy and sci-fi. Through these favourite genres she can tell of the weirder aspects of life and love.

2007 - Published fantasy novel "Askar".

2009 - Film festival selection for the short film "How Europe Got Its Name" with Bronwyn as script co-author 


2012 - Film festival selection and award for the short film "The House of Seville" based on a story by Bronwyn.

2014 - Story "Endless Sea" won the Graeme Lay Short Story Competition run by the NZ Society of Authors. "Endless Sea" has now been published in "Landfall" Issue 229. "Landfall" is New Zealand's longest-running arts and literary journal.   

Graeme Lay Short Story Award 2014 Judge's Report

2020 - Joined the co-operative team at CloudInk Publishing, mostly in the role of Editor. Recent Production:

"Fresh Ink" - Voices Reflecting on Covid 19

2021 - Published the short story and artwork collection:
"The Master Weaver: Tales of the fantastic for grownups"


When not writing, Bronwyn belly-dances, sings and makes art including the fabric art illustrations for "The Master Weaver".


  • Adult Fiction


  • Editing







Fantasy novel, published in 2007. Available on Amazon.

The Master Weaver

A collection of fairy tales and fables for adults. Available on Amazon.