Debbie Broughton

Debbie Broughton (Taranaki Iwi, Te Aitanga a Hauiti, Ngāti Porou, Ngāpuhi) is the author of the poetry collection The Ani Waaka Room (Te Tākupu Press; 2022). She has a Masters in Māori Laws and Philosophy from Te Wānanga o Raukawa, which informs her writing about the awesomeness of her ancestors, the realities of whānau life, and how the big picture impacts on the little. Debbie performs and writes poetry as part of Te Aro Pā poets, with her whanaunga Rachel Buchanan and Hana Buchanan.


  • Academic
  • Autobiography / Memoir
  • History
  • Non-Fiction
  • Poetry
  • Short Stories


  • Academic Writing
  • Editing
  • Poetry Readings
  • Readings (adults)
  • Workshops (adults)


