Bruce Erasmus

In June 2013 Bruce was nominated to, and served on, the NZSA National Council as Bay of Plenty Regional Delegate where he held the portfolio for Freedom of Expression. 


  • E-Book


  • Public Speaking


Central Districts




Sniper Missions - The Business of War and the War of Business or J'accuse... Encore une fois!

Set against the backdrop of the potential early onset of the ravages of advanced climate change, comes the story of the meltdown of the mind of a very special kind of fighter. In every army on Earth, there is a tiny elite: The men who fight using no more than their minds. The men who control how YOU think. When any normal veteran snaps, he takes up a gun and kills a few civilians, and possibly one or two members of the Law Enforcement team sent to stop him. When a disgruntled military propagandist goes rogue, his hunting ground is YOUR mind, and the results for humanity are catastrophic. Billions will die. And no one can stop him.

"Sniper Missions - The Business of War and the War of Business or J'accuse... Encore une fois!" was first published in January 2012. Bruce L Erasmus wrote this book for publication under the nom de plume D Robert Bruce

Publication #2