Camille Khouri

Camille Khouri is a Queenstown-based fiction writer. She works as a freelance journalist with a focus on architecture, design and parenting, and has been published widely locally and overseas. She also does a little copywriting and blog writing work for companies. Camille has a Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours in Creative Writing from the University of Auckland. She was a member of Witi Ihimaera and Stephanie Johnson’s inaugural ‘Writing the Novel’ Honours program in 2004. She is currently in the process of completing the third draft of a Young Adult suspense novel set on a farm in rural Coromandel. Writing accolades: 2014: Shortlisted for Takahe Short Story Competition 2013: Shortlisted for Christine Cole Catley Short Story Competition 2008: First prize in Rodney Writes Short Story Competition 2006: First prize in AA Directions Short Story Competition 1999: Runner-up in Road Safety NZ Short Story Competition 1996: Third Prize in Tearaway Short Story Competition




Otago Southland

