Craig A Roberts

Poet Craig A. Roberts, tangata-tiriti, lives between the mountains and the sea on Kapiti Coast, Aotearoa New Zealand. There is a mountain close by called Kapakapanui. From its slopes and valleys flow the waters of the Waikanae River. His father’s forbears left their beloved mountains and glens of Perthshire Highlands, Scotland, to Glasgow, and his mother’s left fields of Whitfield, Northumbria. Over the generations the journeys of Craig’s forebears brought them to these antipodean isles. 

He worked alongside leaders on the frontiers of change amid turbulent worlds. Craig, an applied social scientist, holds a PhD in follower-centred leadership. Nowadays he helps others hear the call to voyage through their vocation through poetic sensemaking.  He writes through a Celtic lens on the restorative grace of Solas Chrìost [Christ’s Light].transforming yesterday’s fight with tomorrow’s life. 

Most recent book 'Waymarks for the Celtic Pilgrim: Meditations and Prayers from Aotearoa New Zealand, published by Anamchara Books, New York, June 2024.


  • Adult Non-Fiction
  • Mind Body Spirit
  • Poetry
  • Short Stories
  • Web Writing


  • Academic Writing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Mentoring
  • Poetry Readings
  • Research




Kapiti Coast


Vocation As Resistance

  • Subtitle:

    God Moving through, in, before & beyond us

  • Nielsen Book2Look link

  • ISBN:

    Paperback 9780473625962  
    ebook/epub 9780473625979 

  • Author:

    Craig A. Roberts

  • Publisher:

    Grey Warbler Press

  • Publish Date:


  • Vocation As Resistance:  Our practical accomplishments are called to be sensitive to the presence of the Holy Spirit as inseparable as lungs are to our breath.

  • The poetic writings of Vocation As Resistance challenges how we live our vocation in day-to-day life. When we follow vocation’s call led by the Holy Spirit it leads us to move through the toughest challenges. We are called to follow the call of an untamed God and transcend our cluttered urban minds, comfortable cultural norms and tamed imaginations. This vocational struggle is the “Celtic challenge of Trasna”. 

    Uplifting and provocative.

This Cave Beside Me


  • Subtitle:

    A Poetic Tale

  • Nielsen Book2Look Link

  • ISBN:

    Paperback 9780473640934 

  • Author:

    Craig A. Roberts

  • Publisher:

    Grey Warbler Press

  • Publish Date:


  • A Celtic quest of hope against a backdrop of New Zealand rivers and caves. A short tale of a pilgrim facing the “Celtic challenge of Trasna”. What is the Celtic Challenge of Trasna? Trasna is the place of crossing over. The challenge is like entering an unknown cave. Once we choose to enter the challenge is to overcome the inner battle of turning back. A book length poem.



  • Subtitle:

    Celtic poetry to bring you closer to God

  • ISBN:

    Paperback 9781527255647

  • Author:

    Craig A. Roberts

  • Publisher:

    Wild Goose Publishing (Dublin)

  • Publish Date:


  •  A bountiful collection of poems that invokes Celtic rhythms and journeys that will bring your spirit, soul and mind to a place of intimacy with the Holy Trinity amidst wild places.  


Slow Wisdom

  • Subtitle:

    A Forgotten Virtue

  • Nielsen Book2Book Link: 

  • ISBN:

    Paperback 9780473661823  
    ebook/epub 97804736618 

  • Author:

    Craig A. Roberts

  • Publisher:

    Grey Warbler Press, Aotearoa New Zealand

  • Publish Date:


  • Slow Wisdom-A Forgotten Virtue: 

    Slow wisdom – a forgotten virtue: The everyday relatedness towards others steeped in restorative grace and justice. Craig Roberts applies an ancient lens of “Slow Wisdom” to the institutional landscape that underpins Aotearoa New Zealand. The poet contemplates the engrained hardness of heart by leaders and their followers which pervades against slow wisdom.

    …Out of wounded histories,
    fractious neighbourhoods, 
    trust restored in fiery places…


    Categories: Christian Wisdom Literature / Leadership / Issues and Inspirations


Title:      Waymarks for the Celtic Pilgrim Journey:

Subtitle: Meditations and Prayers from Aotearoa New Zealand

Author: Craig A Roberts

Publisher: Anamchara Books, New York

Publishing Date: June 2024

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1625249128

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1625249128

Pages: 206


We are partakers of God
through the Holy Spirit.
In God, we are made fully human,
the image of Christ—the glory of God.

As the ancient Celts knew, the most glorious journey is the one that brings us into the unexplored regions of our spiritual lives. The journey may lead through forests and along seacoasts, through pastureland and city streets; it is lit by the beaming sun, the silvery cycle of the moon’s phases, and the spangle of starshine. The same journey also leads us deeper into our own hearts, into the hidden recesses of our consciousness—and the journey leads as well into encounters with other beings, where we are challenged to release our ego’s demands even as we see Divinity looking back at us from another’s eyes. For that is the goal of this journey—to deepen our awareness of the Divine Presence in Creation, within ourselves, in our relationships, and in our communities.

"This book is rooted in the Bible and in Jesus Christ, but its words are never secondhand. This book is also rooted in the birds, in Nature, and in the world of the Spirit. It will inspire you to explore untrodden places in your life."
—Ray Simpson, author of The Way of Life for the Third Millennium and The Celtic Book of Days: Ancient Wisdom for Each Day of the Year from the Celtic Followers of Christ.

Categories:  Celtic Religions / Prayerbooks / Christian Poetry