Chris Stuart

I have always been a story teller. Most of these have been about the adventures I have had or the places I have been to and the people I have met, lived, laughed and cried with. I find a richness and a humility in everything I see and do. I believe every story should leave its mark  on a reader and that even if a book is put down, it remains in a readers head long after the pages have been read.  In 2014, after over twenty years of working in overseas aid, I returned to New Zealand and specifically chose Nelson to live in. This was a great decision and as someone who finds it hard to stay in one place, I am finding myself settled and content. I have always written, but decided to attempt a crime novel and my life is currently consumed with Detective Inspector Robbie Gray and her determination to find the killer of the man in the swamp.


  • Crime


  • Competition Judging


Top of the South




For Reasons of their Own

Published in 2020.  A thrilling and gutsy crime novel which exposes corruption and racisim at the highest level and asks the question if any of us are ever really safe.