Darin Dance

Darin Dance started his own publishing and photography business in 2014: The Bach Doctor Press after researching and taking photographs for many book projects while working collaboratively with fellow Ngāi Tahu writers. 

When he is not researching, writing and assisting other authors, you can find Darin hunting down “out of print” books in charity shops and other odd places to add to his own extensive library, coaxing vegetables to grow, working out the best way to mix a cocktail or doting on a stray cat.

Darin writes under both his own name and the pseudonym of Ted D Hughes.


  • Adult Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Crime
  • E-Book
  • Fiction
  • Mind Body Spirit
  • Romance
  • Thriller


  • Editing
  • Novelist
  • Proofreading
  • Research
  • Workshops (adults)






Sharks With Lipstick

Freshly back from Europe with a new job, Samantha Svensson (Sven) reconnects with her old friends while managing a new role within the Big Super Ministry – where everyone is busy playing their own internal political games.

After the HR Director ends up dead on the same train that Sven was on, suspicions abound, not least from the chief investigating police officer, Charlie Rogers, who happens to be her ex and is still incredibly damned hot!

With Wellington still reeling after a recent big earthquake, Sven must use all her canny resourcefulness to clear her name and identify the killer within their midst.

Sharks With Lipstick is Book One in the Trinity Trilogy

Also available, Book Two - Snakes In Suits and Book Three - Scorpions In Stilettos

Snakes In Suits

Freya returns to Wellington to restore her inheritance, 'Portobello', an Art Deco building in Petone, to her former glory. Only to find dubious dealings with various Snakes in Suits, Lawyers, Bankers, the Council and an unscrupulous property developer who will stop at nothing, even murder, to get what he wants - 'Portobello'.

Freya fights back with the help of her childhood friend Zac - who just happens to be drop dead gorgeous, and Simon her cute Bank manager who is also competing for her attention.

Reuniting with her besties Sven and Clara, together they navigate their chaotic lives, a massive earthquake and help each other to find love and to solve the murders that plague them.

Book Two in the Trinity Trilogy following on from Sharks With Lipstick

Scorpions In Stilettos

Caught in a compromising position, Clara AKA Flat White, the classy, conservative career girl of the Trinity Trio, struggles as her carefully constructed life comes crashing down around her. 

Juggling a complicated love life, a career with bullying managers, a domineering mother and her own demons from the past, may be just a little too much even for her. 

Can Clara recover and navigate her way back with the help of her friends? 

Fabulous Faerie Folk

This uniquely illustrated collection of Faerie Folk stories for children and adults, will inspire and transport you into other parallel worlds. As they say you CAN have the best of both worlds!

The secret is 'to be' and to live in the now to enjoy and capture a slice of this uplifting and captivating other world allowing this to live on inside of you.

So come with me and travel to this world that lies so very close to you and within us all.


Illustrated by Edward (Ted) D Hughes.

Bernard Winton Johns; Five decades of His Architecture

This book celebrates the architectural achievement of Bernard W Johns, an architect who influenced and changed the architectural landscape of Wellington and its region, for over half a century. It contains biographical information, photographs, plans and the stories of those who commissioned works by this well known Wellington personality. For over five decades, he was an active commentator on the developments of the region and along with his peers he helped revolutionize the manner in which we all live. In this publication we explore the houses, apartments and commercial structures that this architect designed during his long career. The book is a celebration of Bernard Johns' architecture that we can all enjoy.

Photography, research and navigation duties - Darin Dance

Whiskey Lima Golf

Whiskey Lima Golf is set in the murky world of espionage where information is king and your allies are just as apt to stab you in the back, as are your enemies.  
Tom Yelich is rebuilding his life after a devastating combat injury in Afghanistan which cut short his military career. PTSD flashbacks, depression and severe nerve damage while learning to walk again complicate his recovery.  
While Tom was in hospital recovering, his ex-Commanding Officer and best friend are seconded to the SIS. On his return home to live with his grandfather, Koro, his only surviving relative, Tom gets drawn into the new Indo-Pacific Cold War being played out on the streets of his home town, Wellington. The new strategic hotbed of international espionage in the modern world, where the Great Powers enact their cat and mouse games. 
Building a diverse team around him, utilizing his skills and contacts, Tom races to stop the activities of a foreign country. Failure will result in a major international incident that has the potential to discredit New Zealand and the United States and start another war in the Middle East. 
Whiskey Lima Golf is the first book in an espionage/thriller series, weaving high stakes intrigue with personal growth and recovery as Tom navigates his way in the changing face of modern Aotearoa/New Zealand.