Debbie Ireland

Known for being a courageous catalyst for change, Debbie is a respected leader in the online collaboration space. Debbie regularly presents on digital transformation, highlighting the vital people aspects of change to engage people in new technology. She also blogs and speaks about work-life balance (and the associated myths) and her own self-development transformation journey. Debbie lives in Tauranga, New Zealand.


  • Mind Body Spirit


  • Public Speaking
  • Workshops (adults)


Central Districts




Work Life Balance My Arse!

Work-life balance is not just a hot topic – it’s a deeply misunderstood construct. We are told we should be striving for that elusive balance, the answer to feeling stressed and overwhelmed, finding happiness and contentment.

However, this quest for balance is futile. Attaining work-life balance is impossible. This book dispels three myths associated with work-life balance:

  • That work and life can be separate entities
  • That balance implies success happens in the middle
  • That work-life balance is a destination

Debbie provides inspiration to unpick the myths and to really think through what work-life balance means for you.