Denika Mead

Denika Mead lives in Wellington, New Zealand. She is 15 and has an unrelenting passion for fantasy and dystopian writing. Denika has loved writing ever since she could hold a pencil in her hand. She writes at her desk, staring out the window, imagining Elves jumping through the trees and bush-clad hills.

When she is not writing, imagining dragon adventures or immersed in her latest reading escapade, you may find her occasionally contemplating NCEA school assessments.

Over the past year, she has won and been a finalist in several youth writing competitions including being a two time finalist in the New Zealand Youth Laurate award.

She is the author of the Royal Orchid series, the first book of which was released in October 2019.


  • Fantasy





Lower Hutt


Royal Orchid The Death-Hunters

A vengeful dragon. 


A magician lurking in the shadows. 


A ragtag team fighting to stop the planet from plunging into turmoil.


When fourteen-year-old Ivy falls through a portal into Ghost Orchid, she is scared and alone. Then, she meets a group of teen rebels fighting to save the icy wasteland. But are they really the good guys? Or are they as crazy and dangerous as they seem?

Struggling to understand her place in this strange world, she listens to a slithery voice in her head which promises a way out – a way home. But is she prepared to abandon her new friends, her kea and snow-mouse? Or will she stay and fight to stop Ghost Orchid and Earth from descending into chaos?