Dione Jones


For Dione Jones, writing is a long-held passion. Born in England and often inspired to write about the past and changes to the English way of life, she holds a Master of Creative Writing degree from AUT and has won an award in the National Flash Fiction competition. She and her husband live in south Auckland with dogs and horses. She has two adult children and three granddaughters. The Alexandrite is her debut novel; she is now working on a historical novel.




  • Novelist






The Alexandrite

'The Alexandrite' is a novel set in motion by a stranger found dead in the woods outside Lady Scawton’s family home. Why was he carrying a stone that changes colour and a threatening letter?

 The quest leads from World War One to the present day and from an English village to New Zealand farmland, to discover how past events are intertwined with the present. To unravel the mystery Pamela is forced to confront truths that shatter her beliefs about her family and their place in the world.    

A gripping narrative, spanning several generations of English and New Zealand families, lent tension by the iniquities of the British class system and the differing values of its colourful cast.” Graeme Lay – author of ‘The Secret Life of James Cook’