Eddie Williams

Eddie Williams was born in Liverpool, England and raised in South Auckland, New Zealand (which explains a lot). His writing combines his experiences as an amateur musician with his fascination for fiction. Eddie currently lives in Northland where he works for the Whangarei District Council as an Outreach Librarian.


  • Fiction







A Volatile Mixtape

Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll? For 17-year-old Matt Steele, it's a case of sweats, cramps and diarrhoea as he prepares for his debut gig as lead singer of post-punk band The Adenoidz.

   After cajoling and threats from best friend and guitarist, Duncan Jones, the band triumph beyond their wildest Rock 'n' Roll dreams.

   Now in the limelight, Matt comes to the attention of the sublime Eleanor Borland. On the flip side, school psychopath, Paul Paxton, also seeks him out - injecting a large dose of anarchy and chaos into his life.

   Through the summer of 1983, Matt and friends must survive peril at sea, free a crazy horse, and outperform every other snot-nosed band at Auckland’s underage nightclub, S.P.A.M. Paxton scuttles their aspirations in a drug and alcohol fueled frenzy. Friendships are torn apart. It’s up to Matt to unearth secrets and restore unity.

   While Matt and friends welcome in 1984, the reclusive "lady of the lampshade", who lives in a dilapidated caravan next door, is viciously attacked. Paxton, the prime suspect, disappears. To uncover the true culprit Matt must give the performance of a lifetime.