Eileen Merriman

Website | https://eileenmerriman.co.nz/ |
https://www.facebook.com/ | |
https://twitter.com/MerrimanEileen |
Eileen Merriman is an award-winning novelist, short story and flash fiction writer..
All three of her young adult novels, Pieces of You, Catch Me When You Fall, and Invisibly Breathing, were finalists in the NZ Children’s and Young Adult Book Awards, and Pieces of You and Catch Me When You Fall are Storylines Notable Books. Her first adult novel, Moonlight Sonata, was released July 2019, and has been longlisted for the 2020 Acorn Fiction Prize in the Ockham Book Awards. Her fourth YA novel, A Trio of Sophies, will be released in March 2020, and her second adult novel, The Silence of Snow, will be released late 2020.
Other awards include second place in the 2015 Bath Flash Fiction Award, second place in the 2018 Sunday Star Times Short Story competition, and third place for three years running in the 2014-2016 Sunday Star Times Competitions.
- Fiction
- Competition Judging
- Manuscript Assessment
- Mentoring
- Novelist
- Public Speaking
- Readings
- Readings (adults)
- Workshops (adults)
- Workshops (children/schools)