
  • Adult Fiction
  • Adult Non-Fiction
  • Autobiography / Memoir
  • Children's Fiction
  • E-Book
  • Feature Articles
  • Poetry
  • Short Stories
  • Young Adult


  • Mentoring
  • Novelist
  • Short Story Writing
  • Tutoring
  • Workshops (adults)


Central Districts



The New Zealand Dream, The Seeds Are Sown

“The New Zealand Dream” trilogy is a story and account of my life so far. My parents New Zealand Dream, quickly turned into my New Zealand nightmare. 

You take a journey from birth, growing up in a beautiful country town. Moving to the suburbs, discovering New Zealand’s underground in book one "The seeds are sown." Life has been a struggle and a uphill climb, I was born with learning difficulties that caused me challenges every day. My mother, who single-handedly raised my brother, and I suffered from mental health problems. I dived into the drug and alcohol scene at a young age, growing up surrounded by violence and gangs. I escaped a religious occult, got married and had children. In book two "Growth and destruction," before I hit the age of thirty, I am a divorced single mother. My support network passed away, and I sank into the world of abuse. I stayed trapped in an abusive relationship for over eight years until one night he nearly killed me and I escaped. You will meet characters you may relate to and characters that will shock you. I will lead you into the world that surrounded me and nearly killed me. In book three I show you how I changed my world, escaped the traps, leading me here to tell my story.

The New Zealand Dream, Growth and Destruction

“The New Zealand Dream” series is a story and account of my life so far. My parents New Zealand Dream, quickly turned into my New Zealand nightmare. 

You take a journey from birth, growing up in a beautiful country town. Moving to the suburbs, discovering New Zealand’s underground in book one "The seeds are sown." Life has been a struggle and a uphill climb, I was born with learning difficulties that caused me challenges every day. My mother, who single-handedly raised my brother, and I suffered from mental health problems. I dived into the drug and alcohol scene at a young age, growing up surrounded by violence and gangs. I escaped a religious occult, got married and had children. In book two "Growth and destruction," before I hit the age of thirty, I am a divorced single mother. My support network passed away, and I sank into the world of abuse. I stayed trapped in an abusive relationship for over eight years until one night he nearly killed me and I escaped. You will meet characters you may relate to and characters that will shock you. I will lead you into the world that surrounded me and nearly killed me. In book three I show you how I changed my world, escaped the traps, leading me here to tell my story.

The New Zealand Dream, The Healing

The Healing

Book blurb


This is the final book in “The New Zealand Dream trilogy”.

If you have read "The Seeds Are Sown, and "Growth and Destruction," you won’t want to miss out on how it all ends. 

If you are looking for healing and restoration this is a must read.  Discover how I turned my shattered life around, found my soul mate and am healing from the destruction that was my life.

I wrote this trilogy to inspire and give hope to others, so one may know you are not the alone.

Elise Smith (Sheila)




Johnathan Summary

I did not know my father very well, I knew I was the apple of his eye and I knew in his own way he loved me with all his heart. I guess my father never really knew what love was or how to show this. Mum and dad divorced when I was four years old, I saw my father when he baby sat while Mum was working or when he tagged along on my Mum’s planned outings with the family. Although I was a lot closer to my Father than my Mum, there was so much no one spoke about and remained a mystery.  In 2009 when he passed away this started to change. Being the eldest child I was left to clear out his belongings from the rest home he had been living in the past few years. I found a book he had written and never published, this book was called “Johnathan.” While reading the book I learnt that “Johnathan,” was the character of my Father, this was his whole life story till the age of 16. The mystery of my father unravelled as I learnt of his struggles growing up.

The story starts in Yorkshire England in the 1940’s, at the age of four his father a Navy officer was called to fight as World War two broke out, leaving my father in their Mothers care, his older brother was moved off to boarding school. One night the famous Barton Docks were bombed, including the house they lived in and they were lucky to be pulled out alive!  My father and his Mother moved to Manchester to live with his Aunty, time past and his mother became more and more unwell, she was admitted to hospital for the foreseeable future. This left his elderly Aunty and Uncle to look after him, when his Uncle got sick and required more care the Aunty could no longer look after my father and sent him to a place called “Oxley Hall.”  A Lord and Lady lived here and helped out families of Naval officers in need.  It was not long before events beyond my father’s control meant he was kicked out and moved on again. My father was now moved half way across England to a place he referred to as “The Institute.” My father it seemed had nowhere to call home, he suffered from loneliness and felt he didn’t belong anywhere at the tender age of just 14.   The “Institute” was a strict old fashioned boys home, which my father described as prison!  No one was allowed to leave the isolated country premisses unless they had a visitor or went home for the holidays.  My father never received any visitors and had nowhere to go in the holidays he, was stuck there! Until one day he decided to change that…


eBook short stories for children

The Home Makers

Dandelion Wishes


Katrina's Find

Gamers Warning

My Invention

Short Stories For A Rainy Day

Star Gazing

Taken Over

Te Kuti


Hidden Agender

Culture Shock

Poetry O My Youth

A Poetry collection of poems from the struggles of my youth from 1999- 2020

Available on "Draft to Digital"


The New Zealand Dream Box Set

The New Zealand Dream trilogy as one book