Owen Shailer

The pen name I write my fiction thrillers under is Owen Fredrickson, and I am a New Zealand author who writes to free the reader from the real world to vicariously enjoy someone else's life for a while. My stories are fast-paced and based on contemporary reality, with the simple premise that if this happens, what happens next? Although misdirections and surprises have been added to keep the reader from getting too comfortable guessing what will happen. The cover pictures of my books are all from around this beautiful country. I have written for over twenty-five years, but only seriously since 2021. And finally, No people or animals were hurt in creating these books, although much coffee was consumed. 


  • Adult Fiction
  • Thriller







Honey by Owen Fredrickson

Honey available on Amazon.

Betrayed by her Government, Intelligence Agent Sharon Webster is on the trail of who orchestrated the hit on her and her team in the sand dunes at midnight. Left for dead, she is rescued by Honey, a Golden Labrador with an attitude, and her contrary owner, who, after patching her wounds, joins forces with her in her pursuit of Justice. Add a mad car bomber and a bounty on her head, and Sharon is racing against the clock to find out who ordered the attack before they catch up to her. Her enemies soon discover what the redacted five-year period in her Military record really means as they fall. Only to be shocked to discover who is at the head of the conspiracy and frustratingly find that some people are above the law after all. Or are they?

The Patsy by Owen Fredrickson

The Patsy available on Amazon.

As Jean Moore sank bound in an old fishing net, she vowed revenge on her now ex-boyfriend, who had set her up for his fraudulent activities. In a stunning reversal, she is rescued by a surprised diver, and Jean takes full advantage of her second chance to clear her name. But the conspiracy runs deeper than even her chatty boyfriend had admitted on the boat. Evading a murderous drug gang and her greedy boss, she spreads enough disinformation to trigger a gang war to clear the table. However, she still has an unknown enemy in pursuit. Does Jean have what it takes to be victorious despite the odds? It is an exciting action thriller with enough surprising revelations to keep readers on the edge of their seats.

No Other Option by Owen Fredrickson

No Other Option. Available on Amazon.

Angie Rhodes, owner of Rhodes Biotech, had no time to recover after she was violently kidnapped and almost killed in an attempt to steal her medical research company. The perpetrators were working on a tight schedule to own a new antiviral drug a research team at her company had secretly discovered. As a career research scientist, she had neither the skill nor the experience to combat the various and increasingly deadly attacks; luck would only protect her so much. But in her darkest hour, she had to decide to either curl up and die or do the unexpected as the stakes were more significant than she first realized as she discovered the true goal of the steal and how it would affect the health of thousands of people. Fighting back awakened something inside her that she struggled to contain, so instead, Angie turned it loose as she cut through the layers of the conspiracy and betrayal until she was the last woman standing. It is an Action-driven and fast-paced thriller, leaving the reader satisfied that Angie's enemies got what they had coming to them!

The Weight of the Past by Owen Fredrickson

The Weight of the Past. Available on Amazon.

Jason Logan, forensic accountant, was elated to get the contract from John and Caroline Waverly's multinational company to find out who was embezzling and defrauding their company and driving them towards bankruptcy. Despite being attacked multiple times, Jason had to complete the contract as he had his own agenda and needed time. But the Waverly heirs, Colin and Brittany, were growing impatient at the restrictions placed on them. Frustrated at the failed attempts to dissuade the investigation, Brittany gets more desperate. She makes an ill-fated attempt to speed up her inheritance. Jason, too, had made little headway in his personal quest, so at the end-of-year dinner, he made his confession, leaving John stunned and Caroline excited by the suddenly brighter future. It is an action-driven thriller with unexpected twists and surprising characters driving the mayhem through the story.


I'm Not My Brothers Keeper by Owen Fredrickson

I'm Not My Brothers Keeper. Available on Amazon.

Pete Black had no time for his estranged brother Lyal, who had destroyed his family many years earlier. But when his dead body turns up amid his latest fraud case. He is shocked to realize he did care and that he was going to avenge his murder. Unfortunately, his opposition is well-funded and ruthless enough to set off an EMP bomb on a plane just to silence witnesses. Forcing Pete to move faster to gather his evidence while he is shot at, Pete Black shows he could be as ruthless as his enemies. But when his elderly parents are kidnapped in a high-stakes attempt to trade for his information. The bank's corrupt security forces finally have the upper hand, but Pete knows it will be a betrayal and has made plans of his own. This time, the bank has gone too far! It is a fast-paced action thriller, leaving the reader breathless and satisfied with the surprising twists and turns.