Gail Frances Nicholls


  • Autobiography / Memoir







Remember Who You Are - So What Is Your Reality?.

Self publsihed and now promoted in NZ, Australia and USA.It is a story of my life after memories flooded into my mind at the age of 3 years. Being told I have great imagination, as seeing people that were not there and so on. So when I had the money to travel, I started.Egypt 8 timrs, Peru - 4,  Mexico, India, Tibet ,China, Indonsia, Maylaysia, England , Scotland Ireland, Europe America Canada Alaska the Fiji + islands and of course Australia....I could near on say most of the world now...always serching for the truth on who are we. Do ET's actually exist, our DNA, Moses and Noahs Ark. My book is 3 books in 1! 

I, am told it is very inique, and now even placed into the mental homes to help those who are told "They are delusional" are in fact like I was as a child and now taken as okay differnt, cannot underdstand me, but my family now believe me.

This book is to open  the reader up to help them understand that is is okay to be different, but always speak ones truth as there are many of us out there who are. Everything in my book is backed by scholers in their fields and endorsed my book.( I have been told it is a very easy book to not to drawn out etc. but factual and to the point.).....Into its 3rd edition. April, 2020.